Internalised Satanism

A while has passed since our last post.

There was a time when we felt a need to share and explain aspects of our lives and beliefs. Perhaps there still is sometimes. But Satanism, like any spiritual or philosophical path is a journey. The scenery and the settings change. Sometimes you need to look around and admire the scenery, other times you need to eat and drink and take care of your physical needs.Some parts of the journey are tough and stressful while other parts are relaxing. You meet people along the way, some may join you in your journey, while others will go their own way while leaving an impression on you. Those who enjoy the adventure of travel will keep going, accepting challenges and strange new things as part of the process. Others will get sidetracked or give up along the way.

We are three different women, of different ages and while we have much in common, we have different needs and personalities. On Satanism however, we mostly agree and find ourselves at a similar stage in the journey. For the most part we have internalised Satanism. It has become a part of us and not something we need to talk about or question. We don’t need to be demonstrative about it. We might wear the black robes from time to time among our extended Satanic family. We might enjoy and learn from the drama of ritual in our covens, but mostly it is simply the thing that informs everything else we do and the decisions we make. We could live without anybody else knowing we are Satanists. But we know.

A common feature of our satanic cores is a feeling of empowerment. For me that was the key from the beginning. We know our own power and believe in ourselves. That confidence drives through everything else. During the Covid years there were times of isolation and forced separation. There have been times when our jobs, studies and livelihoods were at stake, but we kept going and used our skills and our ‘magic’ to win through. We knew we could and we knew we would.

Like most human beings we have our flaws but we live and cope with them.

The three of us have unconventional lifestyles. But we have learned that unconventional lifestyles are not really so uncommon. Sophie and I joined a research project which was looking at people involved in polyamorous relationships. We always knew we were not alone but that little exercise surprised us with how many different types of people are in unconventional relationships. Personally I have a feeling such things will become the norm. In our family they already are. Léonie is in a similar stage in her love and sex life, but twenty years ahead of us in terms of age. I sometimes wonder how different my life would have been if I had been a confirmed Satanist since my teens…

An odd thing which I probably shouldn’t share but I will; a few weeks ago Sophie and I unexpectedly bumped into Léonie and her girlfriend at a swinger party organised by somebody on the alternative/satanic scene that we all know separately. Anyway after a few embarrassing blushes we all enjoyed ourselves (in separate rooms). Why mention that? Well, it was kind of funny. But also it sort of underlines the way satanic values and lifestyle have been internalised by each of us. It leads to a mature kind of acceptance of other people’s lives, likes and kinks which I couldn’t imagine in many other contexts. I certainly couldn’t imagine such a thing happening in my family when I was in my twenties.

We frequently bump into people who don’t identify as Satanists and yet share our common values. I think I was like that for a while before I felt the need join a satanic group and go public about it. Some people will never need to do that. I have at times embraced the more ceremonial and pseudo religious aspects of Satanism. I have found it cathartic, but not everyone needs that. 
All three of us can go about most aspects of our lives without anyone around us knowing that we are Satanists. Sometimes that is for the best. In the past we felt more need to explain our beliefs and lifestyle. There was an element of mission about it. We wanted to set the record straight about what Satanism is and isn’t. But we have gone through those explanations and there seems no need to repeat it. Anything that might be useful to genuinely enquiring minds can still be found in this blog. There is a page about our Satanic beliefs which is still relevant for anyone interested. We haven’t significantly changed our minds about anything which is written there. And the story of how we each came to Satanism and developed in it can still be read in former posts here.

So what now..?

Our posts here have become very infrequent. In fact I think the last few posts have all had the feel that they might be the last… Written blogs are themselves less of a thing than they used to be…

But we are not deleting the blog. People might still be informed or entertained by things we have written previously. And if we have something new to say, or if we just need to get something off our chests we will post again.

Meanwhile our Satanism has been internalised. We have become what we write about and more. Individually, and as a family we move on and continue on the journey. We wish our fellow travelers well.



According to an online dictionary the word “Pride” is defined as “a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.”

A second definition from the same site is, “consciousness of one’s own dignity.”

Pride in oneself is an important characteristic of Satanic philosophy, and I think both of the above definitions apply strongly to those who follow this path. We are proud of our true selves and we try to live fearlessly in the world even when the world and it’s prevailing values often seem to be against us.

Sexuality is for many people a fundamental aspect of their true nature. For centuries the prevailing values of the western world were prejudiced against all but the narrowest band of possible sexual and gender identities. Fortunately this is becoming less the case. This weekend there will be “Pride” celebrations in many countries and cities around the world.

We know of many people on the LGBTQ+ spectrum who are also Satanists and who credit Satanism with giving them the confidence to express themselves and take pride in their true selves. We ourselves are amongst that group and we shall be celebrating Pride this weekend.

With both the above definitions in mind, I am exceptionally proud of my daughter and Satanic sister, Leonie. She is a strong and intelligent woman who knows her own mind and her own body. I urge you to read her thoughts on “Pride” here. LINK

As a family and as a coven we thank Satan for the insights and confidence that allow us to live our lives and celebrate our sexuality and gender with genuine pride.

Why blog?

I don’t want to make this a long post, but I hope it is one that somebody takes notice of.

A few months ago I got a generically created message from WordPress congratulating me for blogging on this site for ten years. I have to admit I have enjoyed my “blogging”. It has given me an outlet to test my writing skills and share some of my thoughts and beliefs with a wider audience. As such it has helped me to develop as a person too; putting your opinions into writing in a way that other people can understand helps to refine what you think. By engaging with the audience I have built up over the years I have also gained friends and insight into many other lives and lifestyles. It has increased my knowledge base. I have learned interesting new things.

I started blogging because it was a bit of a trend. I had participated in online message boards throughout my teens and into my twenties… Blogging seemed like a logical next step in which I could express myself more fully, share things in more detail and get to know other bloggers in a deeper way than message boards generally allowed. Moreover, I didn’t have to be following forum rules, I could just be me. I think many bloggers started around the same time for similar reasons. A lot of our blogs were personal journals made for a public audience. It was a new form of self expression for the online twenty-first century. Many of us were probably very amateurish, but it didn’t matter. It was fun.

I guess I was grateful to organisations like WordPress who were providing this platform for us. I was never naive though; I always understood that WordPress were making money out of the content we bloggers were creating and sharing. But that was fine. It’s always been fine until recently… This year I have gotten the feeling that WordPress wish that people like me would just go away. What I haven’t worked out is exactly who they are trying to appeal to or what direction they see blogging going in the future. My fear is that blogging as many of us have understood it might soon be dead and WordPress will become nothing more than an advertising platform of some sort. They seem to be entirely gearing the site for individuals or companies that don’t get out of bed unless somebody pays them to. Those of us writing for the pleasure of writing itself, for the exchange of ideas; those making art for art’s sake are getting left behind.

WordPress have instituted a new interface this year. Absolutely every person I know who writes a blog at WordPress hates it and have said so repeatedly. The powers who own the platform have resolutely put their fingers in their ears while telling us to fuck off and accept the changes.

I am pretty good at accepting and dealing with change; better than most I might say… But these changes are so stupid.

The new writing interface is so mind-bogglingly and unnecessarily complicated that it makes the sacred pleasure of writing into a torture. Just adding a picture to the text takes tortuous minutes instead of seconds as it did before. (If it works at all)! Simple things like formatting become a convoluted intelligence test. It’s just horrible.

I have stopped writing as much as I used to here. It’s just too complicated and not fun. Moreover my family who are all bloggers and many of my blogging friends are posting much less often, if at all.

But we still exist and we still want to blog. If WordPress doesn’t sort itself out perhaps eventually somebody else will plug the whole in the market and make us welcome there…

Satanism As A Progressive Force

I will preface this article by stating a few things upfront. Firstly, as we state in various places in this blog, we don’t claim to represent or speak for all Satanists but just for ourselves. Secondly, I have sometimes been berated by other Satanists for expressing political opinions; I make no apology for doing so here in my blog. Finally, the ideas expressed here are intended to provoke thought and discussion which I consider vital in Satanic life and personal gnosis; there is of course no obligation for anyone to agree with what I say here, but no harm will be done by thinking about it!

A little background; things happening in the news at the time of writing this article…

Covid 19 is still wreaking havoc and causing death, illness and economic decline around the world. Brazil, India and The USA seem to be the worst affected at the moment but it is having a resurgence in Europe as well. Fires are burning in the western United States, putting people and property in danger and further damaging the environment. Fires are also out of control in Siberia, where the permafrost is melting and dangerous amounts of greenhouse gasses are being released into the atmosphere. A U.N. report this week highlighted “an unprecedented level of biodiversity loss” putting pressure on ecosystems, economies and migration hotspots around the world as well as condemning future generations to live in a world without the wildlife we have grown up with. (The biodiversity loss and human infringement on wildlife habitats is likely to lead to more new viruses spreading to the human population.)  The Black Lives Matter campaign continues but is often met with hostility by those of a hard right disposition. For every right that black people, women and people on the LGBTQ spectrum win, there seem to be pushbacks on the other side. A refugee camp burned down in Greece. Refugees from poor, unstable and war-torn lands continue to camp at the gates of America and Europe. Many refugees drown trying to cross the seas of Europe. A five month old baby died in a refugee camp in Kenya after SHE was beaten with iron bars by the “Christian” camp guards because her mother was a lesbian… What a world!

While contemplating some of the above mentioned things it occurred to me very strongly that for most, if not all of these issues, what is really needed is a united global response. But of course the globe is not united. It also occurred to me that the divisions in society are not so much about left verses right wing, but about those who look outwards and forward to a more inclusive, internationalist society verses those who look backwards and inwards to an ultra nationalist society, where borders and personal boundaries are strictly controlled by those in power. Oddly, on both sides there is an individualist element.

Satanists exist on both sides.

Probably the majority of Satanists are solitary practitioners. A smaller number of us belong to covens or groups. I’m pretty sure that every point on the political compass is covered by us to some degree. Some of us are activists. Some of us are reclusive and shy away from anything overtly political. We can’t all be right, can we?

I am going to say why there is a an area of Satanic activism that I support and would urge others to participate in. However, I am also going to say why I think we should respect the views and heed the warnings of those who disagree with us. The question I will leave others to mull over is “how?” and “to what degree?”

Satan/Lucifer was the first rebel. He did not accept the status quo. He did not shy away from confronting authority. He lead those who were wise enough to follow, out of the garden of slavery and into the world of knowledge and self responsibility. For some of us, that is the absolute key and bedrock of Satanism.

Satan did not say ‘you must do this’ or your must do that.’ He empowered us to make our own decisions about all things. He trusted us to make our own moral judgements. But his example is of action, not inaction. He could have left us as mindless sheep in the garden, but he sneaked around the evil god and liberated us. He cared. He wanted us to become all that we could be. He knew our potential and wanted us to realise it. Shouldn’t we try to follow that example? Can we really turn our backs when we see others who are unable to achieve their potential or live their lives fully because the rules and values of society seem to be against them?

Yet it is also true that Satanism is a “Self-Centred” religion and lifestyle. Self improvement, self fulfilment and self enjoyment are important to us. This does not however mean that we should be chronically selfish. Selfishness is generally as unhelpful to us as it is to the people we are selfish toward. Selfishness can make us mean, nasty, inward looking and generally disliked by others. It is difficult to progress in any way from that starting point. Instead we need a more mature understanding of what being self centred means. Caring about ourselves, our health, our happiness, our prospects, our progress is vital. But that care depends on understanding that we are part of wider families, groups, networks, communities and societies and that things are better, happier and more productive for our ‘selves’, when we are supported and encouraged by the people who surround us. If everybody is against us, things are generally hard, difficult and unhappy. That does not do the ‘self’ much good.

So I would argue that part of looking after ourselves and our loved ones includes the responsibility of looking after the best interests of the world and other people on whom we will depend to some degree.

Like many Satanists, feeling accepted for the person I am played a large part in my conversion to Satanism and my  love for all that Satan is and represents. During the time that I have been an active Satanist I have met and become friends with many of the people that wider society pushes out or pushes down. Satan accepts and encourages the free thinkers, the eccentrics, the mad scientists, the artists and all who dare to dream and think differently. Satan doesn’t discriminate against you because you are black or white or any shade in-between. Satan doesn’t regard women as inferior to men in any way. Satan doesn’t care what your body looks like or what genitalia you were born with. He doesn’t care whether you are sexually or romantically attracted to men, women, both or neither. Satan thinks you are beautiful as you are but that you have the potential to be more than you ever felt possible. My Satanic friends are men and women and also people who identify as non binary. I am bi/omnisexual and I have Satanic friends who are straight, gay and from virtually every part of the LBGTQ spectrum. I have friends who have all sorts of skin tones and many who have augmented their natural colours with ink. But some of these people have problems.

This year has really highlighted some of the problems my black friends have had to put up with. It has brought to mind hardships and prejudice I had not considered or realised before. When racism is institutionalised, it is hard for those who are not directly experiencing it to understand how limiting it is. To be honest it hadn’t really occurred to me until this year that I regularly walk past statues of people who are held in high esteem by society and yet supported slavery and who would consider my black friends to be a lessor form of human, deserving of less respect or opportunity. I had also forgotten that there are still white people who don’t think killing black people is a very serious thing.

I think it is right and logical to be actively against racism. It is right and logical to stand up for most or all groups who experience prejudice because of their gender, sexuality or ethnic origins. And I think you will find that it is often Satanists or people with similar values who are at the heart and soul of movements towards greater equality and social intelligence. This fact makes me proud.

Satanists also follow the science. Science refers to humanity as one species and does not consider any skin tone as superior. Science understands that humans are animals, part of nature, not separate from it; and this also is at the heart of Satanism. And the vast majority of scientists have been warning for decades that the environment of earth is being changed because of human actions and the results will be disastrous for us and other animals if we don’t take corrective action. I do think it behoves us to be activists on this issue too.

I don’t agree with The Satanic Temple in all things (I don’t like their internal politics or the way they tend to make claims to speak on behalf of all Satanists) but I do think their activism on local and international issues has broadly been a good thing. I think it has generally shown Satanism in a good light and has provided an example of how we can become involved in activism. Of course we can also be activists without mentioning our Satanic beliefs if we feel that is the safest option. But still, I do think a degree of activism is implicit in the beliefs and lifestyle we have chosen by calling ourselves Satanists and following in the example of Satan.

Where we live, the environment we grow up in, and the social attitudes that pervade in that region tend to influence us more than we are sometimes aware of. As Satanists, we tend to recognise certain things and not others. We recognise the things which affect or annoy us most deeply. Very often things like sexuality and social norms are the easiest to see. If we happen to be gay and grow up in a socially conservative area we will recognise the way we are limited and possibly discriminated against by other people’s attitudes. Therefore we need to be aware that other people may face limitations caused by local attitudes that don’t affect us on such a personal level. Moreover, political sentiments tend to vary from region to region. I will admit that in Europe soft socialism or “social democracy” is often held up as the best and most successful and empowering system of government. I am a Social Democrat myself. However, I am beginning to recognise that social democracy may not be the panacea to all things that I first thought it was. I am trying to pick out the things that work and separate them from the things that are just part of the local mindset I grew up in. That seems to me to be a Satanic way of thinking. I would ask Satanists who have inherited more conservative social attitudes to consider doing the same thing. Ask yourself the questions, how many of these supposedly conservative and libertarian policies actually work and how many are just parts of the social landscape and need to be questioned more deeply?

There are many Satanists who prefer to keep their political opinions to themselves or who feel that engaging in too many (or any) socio-political issues detracts from their personal engagement with Satan or Satanism. One such person recently told me I should redouble my efforts to learn and wield Satanic Power and leave politics alone. Well, that is a point of view I can respect to some degree, however I would argue that activism is also a legitimate way of wielding Satanic power and that the person concerned has no idea of my more esoteric and magical commitments or abilities.  There is an arrogant element in Satanism and also a rather childish “I’m darker than you”, attitude that I think we would be better off without!

And yet, I do believe that the more mystical, magical, personal, individual and darker sides of Satanism are very important. I have no time for the reverse Christians who seem to feel that being nasty and evil in the way described by Dennis Wheatley and ignorant Christians is what Satanism is about. It isn’t; and those people are dangerous idiots. However, we do walk a Left Hand Path and we should value the darker aspects of our personalities. We do engage in thoughts and practices that are regarded as evil by some. But, I have always believed we should own our own darker sides and not allow our morals and values to be defined exclusively by our enemies. Let us not assume we must be evil just because we are defined as such by those who oppose us.

In conclusion I am saying several things which I will summarise here. Firstly that Satanism IS a progressive force because it challenges authority and tradition just as Satan did. Secondly activism (in it’s many forms) is justifiable because the example of Satan is active not passive. Thirdly Satanism has often been at the vanguard of accepting people that other sections of society are prejudiced against. In order to further our own interests as well as those of our loved ones, our families and so on, we have a responsibility to help our planet and our communities to sustain us now and in the future. We need to do so in a mindful and intelligent way. We shouldn’t be slaves to any particular political ideology and we should be open to useful and intelligent ideas wherever they come from if they might help Satanists and satanic concepts to prosper. We do not have to compromise the more esoteric aspects of our personal Satanic journey in order to be progressive or activists.

We would probably do well to learn from each other rather than be critical of each other for the wrong reasons.

Finally, the world could be a better, more Satanic place and surely we each have some responsibility to contribute towards that outcome?

Our Satanism

It could be that our period in lockdown as a family of three Satanic Witches is coming to an end. Here in Switzerland many restrictions are being lifted or eased. There is some possibility that I might be able to get back to my proper job and start travelling again to some limited degree at least. Léonie might be able to visit her girlfriend in Germany soon before heading back to her own home in Vienna. So while we are actually still together we thought it would be good to write a short summary of what our Satanism actually is and what we believe. We have each grown into Satanism in different ways and in the last few weeks in lockdown we have come to appreciate some of the subtle differences in our beliefs and perspectives. What follows is a list of the things that are important to us and which we can agree between ourselves. We have tried to avoid referring back to what Satanists should believe or what other Satanists argue or write about. The following is a summary of “our” version of Satanism.

Satanic Identity

To us, calling ourselves Satanists means that we identify with and support the character known as Satan or The Devil in Christian and Jewish literature (probably Islamic literature too but we don’t know enough about the way Satan is depicted in Islamic scriptures). However, (and it is a BIG HOWEVER) we don’t believe Satan is evil or that we should be or are evil; rather we believe Satan has been misrepresented and that that if you look between the lines and read with your mind open, Satan (even as described in the Christian Bible) is actually the hero and the liberator opposed to an oppressive god. Thus we believe in challenging orthodoxy of any type, we believe in using our own judgement and our own free will in all things. We believe knowledge is power and that we have a right to gain and use all the knowledge and power that is available to us. We choose to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge and to grow to our full potential as a result.

We challenge conventions and taboos where we feel it is necessary to. We don’t believe the God of the Christian tradition is “good” or that anything held up as good by that religion should be accepted without challenge. Nor do we believe the example the god of the Judao-Christian religions sets and represents is anything to aspire to. We make up our own minds about what is good, bad or evil in any situation. Again we go back to the example of The Devil, who challenged and argued with god. We take Satan’s side.

The Bible

We don’t believe The Christian Bible (or any other religious scripture) is a literal account of anything that actually happened. We refer to it only because it informs the opinion of many people we disagree with. We believe the Bible and other scriptures are collections of stories and fables with at best tenuous links to anything that happened in reality. We do think some of the stories that are contained in such literature can be powerful and thought provoking but too often they are covered in many layers of other people’s interpretation and are primarily used to support religious social control.


We see Satan (as depicted in the sources already mentioned) as a symbol and archetype of opposition to religious authority and all authorities that try to control and restrict the will and the lives others. As Satan rebels, so do we.

As opposed to the majority of modern atheistic Satanists, we are “Theistic” in that we believe there is an actual energy or entity associated with the Symbol of Satan. We do not think of this entity as God in the way mainstream religions understand such a thing, nor do we worship Satan in the way other religious people worship their gods; but we do respect,  ally and connect ourselves with this entity through ritual and meditation.

Left Hand Path

The terms left and right hand paths are mainly only used and understood by those who have an interest in the occult or esoteric matters (and even here there can be disagreement about what the terms mean). We see both paths as equally valid and ultimately leading to the same thing which could be summed up by personal and spiritual growth and enlightenment. Our understanding of the Left Hand Path we follow is based to a large degree on ancient tantric definitions. We break taboos and engage with the grittier, darker aspects of the world to enrich our experience and knowledge. While we do meditate and engage in rituals, the main focus of our path is engaging fully in all aspects of material life (no matter how others characterise it as good or bad) while preserving our personal and spiritual integrity.

Witchcraft and The Occult.

Many (but not all) Satanists are witches who study and engage in occult practices. We are Satanic witches who use what Anton LaVey described as greater and lesser magic. The shortest explanation of which is that we use all knowledge and power available to us. A large amount of that power comes from developing and strengthening our own will power. We also rely heavily on the use of psychology to manipulate situations in our favour. In addition to all that, we study and use all elements of witchcraft that have been passed down over the centuries, including the use of spells and potions and working with energies and entities which still come outside of what science can explain at present. As Satanists and Left Hand Pathers we tend to work often with entities/energies outsiders refer to as demons. Unlike Wiccans and many other Pagans, we don’t place any rules or limits on what we can use our magic for. Some would describe us as using “black magic” but we don’t see any value or meaning in that term. We use whatever form of magic is best suited to our aims. We acknowledge that we “could” harm people but find there is rarely any necessity for intelligent witches to embark on a course of nasty or harmful magic. That being said, we don’t rule out using magic that some would disapprove of.


Hedonism is an aspect of Satanism we fully engage in. Many other religions have put all sorts of limitations on how and when people can take pleasure in life and often seem to imply that pleasure itself is wrong, bad or selfish if not monitored or controlled by the “authorities”. We don’t believe this. We like to have fun and fully indulge our senses; moreover we believe this is psychologically good for us and helps us to grow in knowledge and wisdom. We tend to be very liberal in our attitude to things like sex and drugs and indulge in these things without guilt when we want to. We also enjoy and participate in all things cultural and artistic as often as we can. At the same time we firmly believe in balance and intelligence. Just because we give ourselves permission to indulge in all pleasurable things, doesn’t mean we have to or should do so all the time. We believe we are ultimately responsible for looking after our own bodies, so our desire for pleasure must always be balanced by what is good for our bodies and healthy for our minds.

Personal Responsibility

This is particularly a key concept for our family. We believe all people should take responsibility for their own lives and actions as much as they can (we acknowledge that some have greater ability and possibility to do this than others for economic, health and social reasons). We do not thank God or The Devil for our own good fortune; nor do we blame any outside entity for our own failings and mistakes. We believe that when using all the accumulated power and wisdom we can avail ourselves of, we (and all humans) have a great deal of potential power. The desire to fully realise that power is a large part of what makes us Satanists. However we do believe that with great power comes an equal amount of personal responsibility. It behoves us to think carefully about how our actions effect others and ourselves. We take credit for our success and try to learn from our mistakes.

Social Responsibility

We believe that our world is riven with many divisions that don’t serve anybody (including ourselves) well. Unlike some in the Satanic community, we don’t see ourselves as islands somehow isolated from and insulated by what happens in wider society; but rather, we acknowledge that everything that happens in our geographic community and the wider world can have an impact on our lives. Therefore we believe we must engage with the world in all ways and at all levels to end the divisions and injustices we abhor. We are against all forms of racial, sexual, gender and economic prejudice. We believe that a fairer, kinder, more inclusive world will ultimately enable us to live our own lives more fully and more totally in line with our Satanic principles. We also believe we must safeguard the environment of the world for future generations of enlightened souls. For all these listed reasons our political views and choices tend to be left wing/socialist/progressive. Individually we have each been described as Socialist-Libertarian in the various tests that go around social media.

Personal Morality

We consider ourselves to be moral people. We try to be kind and helpful to others when we can. We are loyal to each other and to our covens, family and friends. We try to think through the consequences of our actions where possible and act accordingly. However we do not strictly follow the rules set down by any religion or other authority. We don’t think it is always wrong to obey rules but we would never blindly accept or follow any rules or instructions without questioning and thinking about them first. We particularly disagree with many of the moral values and rules set down by the Judao-Christian traditions. We often use the Satanic Statements devised by Anton LaVey as a starting point for moral and ethical decisions, but we don’t even view those statements as rules which must be obeyed. We don’t believe there are any moral absolutes because we can think of exceptions for virtually any rule we can imagine. However we can think of very few reasons to excuse murder, and even fewer to excuse rape. In all things we must come to our own judgement. In matters of sex and sensual pleasure our moral values revolve around honesty and consent rather than outdated religious edicts. While we generally try to be kind and  helpful to everyone; we don’t believe in turning the other cheek when somebody wrongs us (unless we can see some advantage to doing so) and we reserve the right to take revenge in any way we see fit. We are all advocates for inclusive rights and equality for all races, all genders, and all expressions of sexual identity. We support responsible free speech but deplore presenting opinion as if it were fact.

Science and Learning

We are all interested in science and believe the scientific method (while not infallible) is the best way humanity has to understand the world and the universe we live in. We believe that learning as much as possible about all that interests us and growing as individuals in every way is a very large part of the reason for living.

Life after or beyond this mortal coil.

We are all agnostic about this and actually there is wide divergence and disagreement between the three of us about whether we have souls and, if so, what happens to them after death. What we agree on is making the most of the life we are living while we can.

Ritual, Blasphemy and Meditation.

While we generally dislike anything that reeks of religiosity, we have all come to value the three things mentioned in this heading. We see meditation (which can take many forms) as a very useful tool and exercise for strengthening will power and generally improving the health of your mind and body. We would recommend it to everybody. It forms the basis of most of our magical work and aids us in all our learning and study. It also comes into ritual and blasphemy. Blasphemy, in thought, words and actions is a powerful tool of self definition and helps break down the all pervading cultural conditioning of the society we live in. We see ritual as a psychological drama which also acts as a tool for focusing our mind on specific aims and opening doors in our subconscious.

Carl Jung Our Shadow Sides

“Where there is light, there must also be shadow.” If we did not call ourselves Satanists we would probably call ourselves “Jungians”. The philosophy and psychology of Carl Jung is central to our understanding of ourselves and life in general. There is very little he wrote that we don’t agree with (although none of us are expert enough to be qualified authorities on Jung, yet…). We agree with some of his more spiritual views but more importantly we agree with his views and teachings on Persona, Archetypes and Shadow. We believe it is important, probably essential, to explore and integrate our darker, ‘Shadow’ sides, in order to develop fully and holistically. We “know” our “light” sides, the kind, loving, socially acceptable aspects of ourselves that the world is not threatened by… We are discovering and owning our darker natures as well, in order to develop and grow as human beings and become more powerful, effective and “whole”. For us, Satanism is in many ways the gateway and route-map to that journey.

And Finally…

Another reminder, we are a group of three Satanic women linked by family. We speak for ourselves and not for Satanism in general. We have highlighted here the things the three of us agree on. There is plenty about which we disagree. As hinted earlier, we each have very different views on life after death. There are also differences in our degrees of theism and atheism. I probably take a more polytheistic, spiritual view of life and death. Léonie tries to find scientific rationalisation in everything. Sophie is somewhere in the middle but often more creative and artistic in her approach. We are all quite different in how we apply Satanism in our everyday lives, and which aspects of our beliefs are most important at any particular time. And while we are all libertines and hedonists, our tastes and indulgences are all quite different too. But perhaps our disagreements should be left for another post one day…

Cassie, Sophie and Léonie (The Satanic Muses)

Written during lockdown 2020

The Corruption Of Cassie Wren

As some of you may have heard, I have been working on a book for a while now. It has taken longer than planned and is still in the early stages. My idea is that it should be in part biography and in part my own views and explanation of the Satanic path I follow.

I have decided to publish draft extracts of some parts of it here. These extracts will be mainly biographical and will give some details of my life that I haven’t made public before. I’m a bit nervous! The finished book should be a bit more polished and will include other things. I’m doing this partly as an incentive to myself to keep going and partly to get some feedback as I go along.

I have created a new “page” here on the Devil’s Advocates main site on which to put the book extracts. I will add more chapters to it in the next few weeks and months.

You can find Chapter One  here.

I hope you enjoy it.

Ladies Of Lilith (Inspirational Women)

We are desperate to write a post that is not related to the current problems in any way! So this post is a highlights version of some of the conversations we have had lately while sipping wine late at night in our kitchen. We are all in our own ways devotees of the Goddess Lilith but this is not going to be a deep, ontological, theological discussion of who or what Lilith is. Rather, this is a discussion of women who in different ways exemplify the qualities that attract us to Lilith. You don’t need to share our beliefs to admire the women we discuss here and this list is by no means exhaustive. As soon as we press “publish” we are bound to think of a dozen more women we admire just as much and whom we might want to write about at some future time. Most of the women we speak of here are known in the arts and media; most, but not all, are alive now. They are all very different but seem to us to exhibit some Lilith-Like attributes. If you know nothing of Lilith, don’t worry. We are simply talking about women who are strong, talented and powerful in different ways. Women who dare to step outside convention. Women who make their own rules. Women a bit like us. Women who in different ways inspire us.

One little caveat before we begin in case any of the people mentioned or those who admire them object to being praised by a trio of self styled Satanic women; we don’t mean to imply that any of the people mentioned share any of our spiritual beliefs.

(Cassie) The first woman I am going to talk about is Mary Shelley who is most famous as the author of Frankenstein.. She was an extremely unconventional woman for the times she lived in. She was the archetypal bohemian and an intellect to be reckoned with in an age when women were rarely valued for their brains.

Mary Shelley was the daughter of the radical philosopher William Godwin, who described her as ‘singularly bold, somewhat imperious, and active of mind’. Her mother, who died days after her birth, was the famous defender of women’s rights, Mary Wollstonecraft.

At the age of 16, Mary eloped to Italy with the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, who praised ‘the irresistible wildness & sublimity of her feelings’. Each encouraged the other’s writing, and they married in 1816 after the suicide of Shelley’s wife. They had several children, of whom only one survived.

After Percy Shelley’s death in 1822, she returned to London and pursued a very successful writing career as a novelist, biographer and travel writer. I admire her for her passion and because she was so unconventional and ahead of her times in the way she lived and worked.

(Léonie) Well, since Cassie has mentioned Mary Shelley, I’d like to talk about somebody who has played her in a film; Elle Fanning. She is a young actress who has already achieved quite a lot in her career. She has won several awards and seems to be respected in her field despite her young age. She is probably most famous at the moment for playing Aurora in the Disney Maleficent films but really made a name for herself playing darker, off the wall characters in indie films. I like her for slightly different reasons that relate to my beliefs and outlook on life. She began as a child actress but has progressed to some very mature roles. When you see her interviewed she has a kind of child-like charm that people around her find very attractive. But she is not a child. She is intelligent and probably a lot wiser and more mature than others her age. She is a woman. She has relationships. She smokes and drinks and probably has other vices. But she still has that child alive inside her. I like that. I hope I am the same way. It seems that she has both light and dark within her and values both of them. In a way that is what my own philosophy is about. Elle Fanning to me symbolises the fact that having darker, adult tastes doesn’t have to corrupt people, it can actually be empowering and enlightening.

As I mentioned one Aurora already I might as well go on with my second choice; another creative young person, this time a singer and songwriter called Aurora Aksnes from Norway. I guess you would have to describe her as a modern day hippie. She has a haunting voice and my favourite song of hers is “The Seed” an electro-folk anthem about the environment. She has a style that is totally her own, a true original. In some ways I probably find her a bit too “nice” and “good” but she is a feminist and I love her relationship with her fans and with nature. I also love the fact that in the middle of an interview for mainstream TV when asked what she likes to do in her spare time she said “Well I do love to masturbate a lot!”

(Sophie) An actress I have always admired is Angelina Jolie. I admit I find her a beautiful woman to look at, and of course she shares our tattoo fetish to some degree. But what I most admire is her fierce independence, her work with the U.N. and the fact that she was not content to survive on her beauty alone but invested in her talents and really honed them. While she has done quite a few very commercial films she has also made some smaller, grittier films such as “Girl Interrupted” in which her acting talent really shines. She is committed to many humanitarian causes especially concerning children and women’s rights and has used her fame and her money to really help in those areas. I also see her as a role model for mothers around the world. In recent interviews I have been particularly impressed with her views on letting children go; of taking pride in the fact that they grow up and become adults in their own right.

(Léonie) The third person on my list is the scientist Marie Curie.

Marie Curie arrived in Paris to start her studies as a virtually penniless refugee from Poland. Just getting there was a dangerous adventure and continuing her studies in poverty must have been really hard, but she went on to become one of the most brilliant scientists of her time. There were many points during her studies and in her career where her work was not valued or even recognised because she was a woman. Eventually she won two Nobel prizes but they nearly refused to let her accept one of them because she had had an affair. (Would that have been at all controversial if she had been a man)? She also suffered prejudice in France for being a foreigner and because she was thought by some to be Jewish.

Despite all this, during the First World War she set up mobile radiology units, trained people (especially women) how to use them and went herself to the front lines in the battlefields to help injured soldiers. Apart from the dangers of being in the battlefields this work eventually played a part in killing her because she later died of leukaemia as a result of her exposure to radiation.

These days Marie Curie is respected as one of the great scientists of her time, but actually her life was very hard and she was often the victim of all kinds of prejudice despite her brilliance or the many things she did to help other people. A lot of people hold her up as a hero without even realising that.

(Cassie) The next person I want to hold up is the New Zeeland Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. In a world that seems to have gone crazy, she seems to be one of the few active politicians who are worthy of genuine respect. She is a progressive social democrat who speaks out for women’s rights and backs same sex marriage and is generally supportive of LGBTQ+ issues. Her response to the Christchurch Mosque shootings was more tactful and respectful than the way most other politicians respond to such things and went a long way towards healing her nation while also bringing in stricter gun controls. Thanks to a strict lockdown and sensible policies her country seems to be recovering from the present crisis better than most. I wish there were more politicians like her. The good news is she is not alone. There are an increasing number of influential female leaders around the world, such as Finland’s Sanna Marin who seem to be tackling important issues more wisely and more successfully than those who have gone before them. I don’t want to sound like a preachy feminist, but there does seem to be a lesson to be learned here.

I would also like to include Kala Trobe on my list. She probably won’t be very well known to people who don’t have any interest in witchcraft or the occult, but her books have played a significant part in guiding the three of us as witches. I find her books on witchcraft very grounded and easy to adapt to any tradition, including our own. She is very knowledgeable on many occult and esoteric paths including Ancient Egyptian (which is one of my own interests) and I suppose for me she is an inspiration because she has in a sense made a career of living her life the way she wants to and writing about what she knows and what she does. My ambitions aren’t very different!

(Sophie) For somebody very different I’m going to talk about the Olympic gymnast Nadia Comaneci, who was a big influence on me as I was growing up. She was the first gymnast ever to get a perfect score of ten at the Olympics and she was only fourteen at the time she achieved that. I was only a child then but I had joined a junior gymnastics club so I was aware of her. As I got older and read more about her I was struck by something a lot of writers and commentators said about her and that was that she has an extraordinary ability to concentrate. While I never really progressed very far in gymnastics, I did later find that in my job and in my spiritual interests, the ability to concentrate was indeed a very important ability. It helped me a lot in meditation and in all aspects of the magic I now practice. Nadia had a difficult life after the Olympics that made her famous. There are rumours she was raped by Nicolae Ceausescu’s son during the communist era. Whatever the truth of that, she eventually had to defect and start her life again in the USA. The good news is that she seems to have made a happy and successful life for herself since then coaching other gymnasts. I’m sure she is a hard task mistress!

(Léonie) For my final nomination I have to mention Greta Thunberg. I get so angry about the amount of animosity that is sometimes directed towards her in the media and from powerful idiots like Donald Trump. Whether you agree with her or not, and I mostly do, she has succeeded in raising awareness of climate change like nobody before her. She has used her Asperger’s Syndrome as an asset to focus her mind and the minds and thoughts of others. She has travelled the world, without flying, and has spoken directly and without compromise to some of it’s most influential leaders. Perhaps most importantly she has inspired a whole generation of young people who will not just let the matter go. I think it could be argued that she is one of the most influential people in the world today and most of her achievements so far happened while she was only sixteen years old.

(Sophie) I am going to speak about another highly influential woman who achieved great things while she was still a teenager and that is Malala Yousafzai. I use her frequently as an example in my lessons at school. As a child she wrote a blog detailing her efforts to get educated during the Taliban occupation of her region of Pakistan. As a consequence of that her school-bus was attacked and she was shot in the head and seriously injured. She could easily have been killed or permanently brain damaged. In fact after months in hospital in Pakistan and the UK she began to recover. Rather than be frightened away from studying, she continued and became an even more vocal critic of the Taliban and a campaigner for girls education throughout the world. In 2014 she won the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts. She continues her campaigning today with a focus on refugees as well as education. She would possibly disagree with a lot of my personal beliefs, but I would love to meet and speak with her. I think she is an amazing young woman.

The last person on my list my favourite artist, Frida Kahlo. A large reason that I like her is simply her art itself which is strange mixture of surrealism, naivety and folk art which represent the struggles she and her country were going through. She had an extremely difficult and quite sad life due to health problems caused by illness and a serious accident which left her in pain most of the time. Yet she kept going… Like most of the people we have mentioned her life was quite unconventional. She married another artist much older than she was and physically as different as could be (large and overweight while she was extremely thin and fragile). Both of them are believed to have had numerous affairs which eventually lead to a fairly amicable divorce. Despite her physical and health problems she enjoyed sex a lot and was openly bisexual. She died relatively young as a result of her health problems and didn’t really achieve recognition for her art until long after her death. Yet without knowing it she left a body of artistic work that still inspires and moves people today.

(Cassie) I am going to finish our list with somebody we all thought about, and that is Emma Watson. I went through my teens and twenties reading the Harry Potter books and then watching the films at the cinema. Emma was perfectly cast as Hermione, an intelligent female witch who inspired a generation of real witches. But what has been most satisfying has been to see Emma herself go on from the Harry Potter franchise to develop into a positive role model for women everywhere. She never seemed to get sucked into social or tabloid media controversies. She learned to carry herself with sophistication and dignity. She has become known for her association with #Me Too and other campaigns to improve women’s lives and she has used the platform her fame gives her well. Yes, Harry Potter has made her richer and more influential than most of us could ever hope to be but with wealth and power comes responsibility, and she has taken that responsibility seriously.

Perhaps in the women we have highlighted here certain linking themes become apparent. We value intelligence and creativity. We value those who dare to be different and go against the grain when necessary. We value those who are responsible for themselves and caring towards others. We value all aspects of the female psyche and all stages of a woman’s life. We value those who find their power and use their talents wisely. We value and praise the Lilith archetype in all women.


Satanism, Society and Coronavirus

I have seen posts by extreme Christian groups blaming Satanists and frankly anyone who isn’t a fundamentalist, conservative, born again Christian, for the Coronavirus outbreak. Some say we are entering the end-times and the rapture is at hand… That is to be expected; ridiculous but expected… What is more disappointing from my perspective is a few idiotic opinions being circulated on social media from people calling themselves Satanists who advocate ignoring the lockdowns and going about your daily routines without a care for the wider society. Their argument seems to be based on a moronic interpretation of the concept of individualism and placing the needs of the individual above the needs of anyone else. They are wrong, and that argument (whether expressed by Satanists or anyone else) is illogical, stupid and dangerous. As Satanists we are called to make our own decisions about all things and take responsibility for our own actions. Yes, we are antagonistic towards “group think” and the herd mentality. Yes, our own lifestyle choices might often go against the grain of wider society. We don’t accept dogma and we are inclined and encouraged to challenge social mores and norms. However we are also very much encouraged to use our brains, be guided by science and make wise and considered choices. We are hedonists but we must balance the things which give us pleasure against the things which keep us healthy. There is a long and sensible tradition of trying to keep ourselves healthy in most modern Satanic traditions.

I can to some extent understand why a few Satanists have been wrong footed by the present Coronavirus crisis. On the surface it brings some of the principles many of us share into conflict and puts them in the spotlight as well. The first of these things is the herd mentality which we generally abhor but which seems to be the driving force behind much of what is happening in these difficult times. There is certainly panic. Governments are making unprecedented changes to the way we live our lives and placing more controls on our behaviour than at any time in history. Information and misinformation about the virus itself and the effects it is having is spreading like wildfire. We are indeed being herded like sheep into certain ways of thinking and acting. We are right to be sceptical. We are right to challenge what we are being told and come to our own conclusions. However we also have to be open to the possibility that in the present situation, the lockdowns and other restrictions imposed on our societies might be the best available course of action for the time being.

I have done my own thinking and to be honest it doesn’t take a genius to work out that the less chance I have of being exposed to the virus, the less chance there is that I will get ill as a result of it. The less my daughter (who is now living in another city) is exposed to people who might be carrying the virus, the less chance there is that she will be infected and get ill. Moreover, in the event that anyone I love catches the virus and suffers badly enough to require hospital treatment, the more people who are ill the less chance there is of adequate health care being available. So, while it may go against my mindset in many ways, the logical conclusion is clear and simple; for the time being the mass lockdowns are by far the best way for us as individuals to reduce the risk of being infected by the virus and suffering any consequences that may involve. We should be supporting and enforcing them if we can. Our most basic instinct, survival, dictates that on this occasion the herd is our protection. We should not be standing outside of it, nor should we be mindless members of it. WE SHOULD BE LEADING IT!

What about our principles of individualism, self interest, and our somewhat distant relationship with wider society?

Individualism is a recognition of the fact that we are all different. We each have different abilities and talents, different tastes and desires, different ways of expressing ourselves. We celebrate our own individuality and respect the individuality of others unless they disrespect or endanger us. Wider society is everything outside (and sometimes including) our own immediate family. Wider society could be our friends or neighbours, our local community, our town or city, our region, our country and our world. We may often find ourselves at odds with society because our beliefs and lifestyles are different or sometimes opposed to most of theirs. However, we are part of that society. We exist. We are real. We need the food that others produce. We need the technology that others make. We need expertise that other members of society have. The idea that we are somehow separate from the rest of society is a fallacy.

And that leaves “Self Interest or Self Centredness; perhaps the least well understood principle we live by, even by ourselves.

The principle is deceptively simple. We acknowledge a fact denied by most Right Hand Path belief systems (and some LHP ones too possibly) that we are primarily motivated by what is best for us at the time. We are not ashamed of that as many religions and philosophies would want us to be. We are focused on the happiness, enrichment and betterment of the “self”. Of ourselves. We seek to empower ourselves. We are our own gods. We put ourselves first and never pretend that our principle concern is altruistic.

And that is where the idiots among us get off the bus and claim that Satanism has given them an excuse to be nastily and sometimes maliciously, selfish.

Being Self-Centred is not the same as being selfish. Selfishness is almost never a helpful quality, even to the persons being it.

Remember the part about being part of society..? Only assholes take without ever contributing. I drive a car. I rely on people more expert than me to keep it running because my main talent and job is teaching, not mechanics. If I had to spend more time fixing my car I would have less time to teach and earn the money which pays the bills. I would have less time to do the things I enjoy. We are part of society and in order to maximise our opportunities for pleasure and growth we have to recognise our interdependence and ensure that society functions in our interest. Logic dictates that will often mean compromises which allow for other “selves” to get what they want and need as well.

The short version;- If I get sick I absolutely need the mechanics of society to provide the medical treatment I need in order to survive and thrive. And since I am not an asshole, and since there is nothing whatsoever in my belief system which precludes being kind and helpful, I feel I should do what I can to help others and keep the machinery of society well oiled and functioning as best it can in my own interests and the interests of most others.

We have evolved a fairly democratic way of living as societies which is full of faults and should be improved but which generally serves the needs of most individuals. It would be delusional not to acknowledge our need for it to function well. As free thinkers we should of course be the ones testing and sometimes changing the boundaries of that society. But we should also protect it when it is clearly in our interest to do so.

We should be leading the herd.


During the present corona crisis…

Stay at home as much as you can.

Mix with others as little as possible in person (as much as you like online).

Wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol based gel frequently.

Shop for food and essential items as rarely and sensibly as you can.

When shopping, keep your distance from others. Use contactless payment methods whenever possible.

If you have a cough or a temperature, self isolate and call or search online for help.

Respect the lockdowns and the curfews.

Don’t hinder or get in the way of those whom you may later need to depend on.

Be safe and well; learn and grow.

Be a deserving and leading member of the “After Corona” Society.

Femme Diabolique


My daughter Léonie recently celebrated her nineteenth birthday. She is an adult in every way now, though still my child of course. Apparently some mothers feel sad and depressed when their children start to grow up, when they begin to leave their innocent childhood behind and start behaving as adults. Honestly, I never felt that. Perhaps because of my Satanic philosophy and lifestyle, or perhaps just because it is the way I am, while I enjoyed and cherished Léonie as a child I always wanted her to grow up and become an empowered young woman. For me that was always the mission and purpose of being a mother; to protect and nurture the child and help her become a wise and intelligent adult who could take care of herself. I believe I have succeeded.

Only five years ago, when she was then 14, I remember when she announced one night that she had started smoking. Some may think I should have been shocked or angry, but in fact, being the wicked woman that I am, I was actually quite pleased. We sat down at the kitchen table and smoked together for the first time and I saw my first glimpse of a more grown up Léonie. The transformation had begun. Some months later she told Cassie and I that she was also a Satanist. We actually didn’t want her to make such a big decision as that at her age and we only accepted it with a pinch of salt, thinking she would change her mind. But we underestimated her conviction. She read, she learned and she took it all very seriously. She has continued to do so ever since. By the time she was sixteen she had become interested in boys and sex. But while some daughters might have been secretive about such things, she came to me and asked to have a serious chat about things which lead eventually to me accompanying her to the birth control clinic. I saw this not only as a sign that she was growing up rapidly, but also as a sign that she was growing up wisely. It made me proud.

A week ago Cassie and I took Léonie to Berlin to celebrate her birthday. It was a busy and highly enjoyable few days with a mixture of culture and night life, well to be honest on this occasion nightlife fun took priority. For me it was nice to spend time in the company of my adult daughter; just two Satanic women out to have fun and debauchery! It was clear from the start that Léonie has her own tastes and ideas and is a very free spirit indeed. Of course, as a mother, there are a few of her tastes and choices that I may not fully agree with or approve of, but she is generally wise, rational and very independent so I think I have less to worry about than some mothers. Overall, she is a bright and fun woman I’d be happy to spend time with as a friend even if we weren’t related.

The reason I am referring so much to my daughter and praising her up in this post, is to promote her own blog which I will detail later. The reason for that is that Cassie and I have been neglecting this blog a bit recently and in truth that situation is likely to continue for a while. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly we are simply both very busy with our jobs and our lives. Secondly, when we do get round to writing a blog post these days, we often quickly realise that we are repeating something we already said months or years before. I guess there is nothing wrong with repetition sometimes but too much of it feels stale and uninspiring. Léonie, on the other hand, has a new and fresh perspective. Unlike Cassie or myself she was brought up in a Satanic family and embraced Satanism from early in her teens. It has pretty much always been her world view and she approaches everything she does from that perspective and with the energy her youth gives her. Her views are very similar to ours, but as regular readers will know, no two Satanists believe exactly the same. So I feel her blog, Femme Diabolique, has a freshness and vitality that some of our readers might enjoy while our own posts remain a bit sporadic. I think in some ways she is bolder and less tactful than us. She is part of the next generation and is never afraid to speak her mind or challenge conventions.

Cassie and I will continue blogging here, but there is no way we can increase our post count at the moment. So if you want to maintain or increase your exposure to us wicked ladies, please do check out and follow Léonie’s blog! Femme Diabolique 

Resolution 2018:- Be A Good Satanist


A reflection by Cassie

It is New Year 2018 and I sit amidst the detritus of a week of parties and hedonistic excess.  My girlfriend and my daughter have indulged themselves as much as I have. For the entire week we have only had contact with fellow Satanists. Perhaps more than ever before we have let our inhibitions go, indulged our vices and wilfully sinned to the maximum. All this framed with Satanic imagery, language and ritual. We are living the Satanic dream.I take a look at my naked self in the mirror on the wall and in my mind’s eye. I am naked and unashamed. I guess I am still in the mother phase of a witch’s life, but I am also a crone who can conjure the maiden glamour with ease. This body has known the darkest sensual and carnal delights. Most of my skin is marked with ink; my beliefs and personal landmarks etched into my flesh with blood, many symbols and images rich in diabolical meaning. I am totally defined by my Satanic beliefs and lifestyle. I am the kind of Satanist that would have disturbed and terrified me a decade ago. And that is a good reason to pause and reflect. The holiday is over and normal work life will resume soon, but first a time to think…

My only New Year’s resolution is to be a good Satanist. But what does that mean?

Satanism, like any other spiritual or religious practice, is a continuous journey. We are always on the path, learning lessons and moving forward, although the journey can take unexpected twists and turns at any moment. Our purpose is to develop and evolve, to become all that we are capable of in this lifetime and, perhaps, beyond that.

I am a Theistic Satanist. Against my scientific leaning I have come to acknowledge the reality of a force or being called Satan (known by some as The Devil) in the world and in my life. I love Satan. I love The Devil. He is my friend, my guide, my master and my God. I desire to be like him in nature and in essence and I have felt my mind, body and soul transformed, molecule by molecule since my commitment to him. It is with pride and thankfulness that I feel I can truly say I am now Satanic to the core of my being.

Many, perhaps the vast majority of people in the world, consider Satan to be evil. Even so, I am on his side. I consider hell as my spiritual home and it’s demons as my spiritual breathren. Whatever the consequences, I have chosen my side. If Satan is evil then, so am I. Yes I fully understand and acknowledge that in most people’s opinion I am evil. If evil defines my god then it also defines me; and I am not ashamed.

I renounce all other moral values and have committed to living by Satanic will and Satanic imperatives alone. In that respect I will be a good Satanist; for I will be a total Satanist in all that I do and believe. Moreover I will lead my family and my coven in that direction and take great pleasure in seeing each and every one of us, particularly my girlfriend and my daughter, fully shed all vestiges of our previous nature and become purely Satanic beings.

And yet… And yet…

Three years ago my mother died. She was a good and kind person and would have wanted me to resemble her in that at least. I miss her every day and would not want to let her down. She was not a member of any particular religious denomination but had what she would have considered to be broadly Christian values. She was somebody whom I could always talk to and whose opinion I respected. She accepted the various phases of life I went through and encouraged me on my spiritual searching. She didn’t necessarily agree with all the twists and turns my in my spiritual life, but she was interested and asked the right questions… She protected me as a child and accepted me as an adult. She was unphased by my bisexuality, and simply said that she hoped I would find somebody who would make me happy (which has happened). I used to talk to her about everything. But by the time I was becoming seriously interested in Satanism, the disease that would finally kill her had already started to ravish her mind. I wasn’t able to have serious conversations with her about anything anymore. And now with hindsight and with knowledge of the previous week’s kink and debauchery loud in my mind, I have to say that in all honesty I am not sure if she would understand, let alone approve of, the person I have become. And that hurts me. But I have made my bed and I must lie in it. Even if my mother couldn’t approve of all my choices, I am who and what I am.


When I became seriously intent on becoming a Satanist it was because I had heard his voice calling out to me from the depths of pagan tradition and even Christian scriptures. There was this dark and shadowy figure, a horned god, a green man, a force of nature; who had been imprisoned in the darker shodows of western tradition. His only crime, as far as I could see, was that he was NOT Christian and that he and his followers represented a threat to the religious authorities of the time. Time and again I was drawn back to the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and the way in which they were “tempted” by Satan in the guise of an “evil” serpent. When the wool is pulled away from your eyes it is clear that the real evil character in that story is the “God” who wants to keep his children ignorant and enslaved so that they can never challenge him, and the hero is the serpent Satan who is encouraging the people to learn and grow and become independent. This is the Satan the Church authorities are afraid of and don’t want ordinary people to know about; Satan the empowerer, the liberateror. Satan is NOT EVIL and neither are we who follow him unless we choose to be.

Of course those of us who have knowledge and power could be evil if we chose to be; but it rather goes against the essence of Modern Satanism which emphasises taking control and responsibility for our lives. Evil in reality is the blissful abandonment of personal responsibility. It is a temptation I, and many others have had. Evil is living without care for the consequences our immediate desires and actions have on ourselves or others. “X” wants “Y” but “Z” is in the way so “X” kills “Z”. Evil is not caring about the fate of “Z”; and it is a very appealing and addictive way of being in which you can do anything at all without any concern about the consequences. But that is not what being a Satanist actually is. Satanism is about taking responsibility for yourself which logically means a degree of responsibility for those you interact with. In fact being evil is a luxury Satanists don’t have.

And anyway why should we Satanists allow ourselves and our behaviours to be defined by the enemies of freedom and personal empowerment? If they say we are evil, the reverse is probably the truth.

We live in a world where penguins in Antarctica are being poisoned by plastics we throw into the sea in Europe and America but I am evil because I blaspheme?

We live in a world of corruption where the rich routinely steal from the poor but I’m the evil one because I like Satan?

We live in a world where children and babies drown in the sea trying escape the bombs we supply to all sides but I am the evil one because I like kinky sex?

We live in a world where we have forgotten or just don’t care about the horrors of the holocaust and where extreme right wing popularism which despises education and knowledge is on the rise, yet it is me who is evil because I call myself a Satanist?

Perhaps it is about time we all got real! And I challenge everyone reading this (Satanist or Non Satanist) to seriously think about and dare to challenge their perspectives of what good and evil are.

As for myself, I am hedonistic and kinky as hell. I’m a witch who practices Satanic magic and ritual. I swear, I curse, I blaspheme. And I wouldn’t change a thing. I have examined and lived Satanic philosophy and find it is a perfect fit for me. I will be a good Satanist in that I will live filly in accordance with Satanic values. But I will also be good in the way my mother would understand; I will be kind and helpful wherever it seems worthwhile; and in that and other ways I will probably contribute more positive things to the world than most of those who condemn me. And as my mother raised me, I will raise my daughter with an urge for self discovery and independence and I will help and support her even when I question her choices.

If I ever get the chance to have a meaningful conversation with my mother again I am sure she will raise her eyebrows in response to some of the debauchery I have come to enjoy, and there are elements of my Satanic beliefs and lifestyle that will take a lot of explaining; but overall… I hope I will make her proud.

Now, with all that being said, it is time for me to sign off. I feel I have said all I have to say about Satanism on this blog for the time being. I am working on a book which may surface during the next year or so. In the meantime I will leave this blog in the capable hands of Sophie and Tina who have different voices and perspectives on Satanism.

I wish all our readers and especially those who have supported me in the past few years the very best wishes for the year ahead.

Satanic Blessings
